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We have always heard our mothers say: "don't eat so many sweets, you'll get tooth decay". And now we probably repeat it to our children.


The truth is that tooth decay can be caused by eating foods high in sugar, but it also has a genetic factor. If you suspect your little one may have tooth decay, check for it:


🤔 Do you complain of pain in a tooth or a tooth?


🤔 Is this pain worse when you have drunk or eaten something cold, hot or sweet?


🤔 Do you notice any dark or yellowish stains on your teeth?


If you have answered yes to any of these questions, give us a call and we will assess whether there really is a cavity and start treatment.


🔴Warning: if the tooth is a baby tooth, it is even more important to treat it quickly. The baby tooth contains the germ of the tooth that will become the permanent tooth, so if they break through the root, they could affect the new tooth.


If you spot any suspicious signs, give us a call! Remember, at Ziving, even cavity treatment can be fun - that's our mission!


Do you have any questions about tooth decay? We've got the answers!

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