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The dentist takes care of our smile: oral hygiene and orthodontics are key from the moment our first teeth appear. 🦷


However, a visit to the dentist doesn't exactly raise a smile. For adults, it's something we have to go through for our own good. But for children... bufff those arguments don't apply. ✋


That's why at Ziving our main purpose is to turn that experience around. 🙃


Yes, yes, we don't just want them to amuse themselves by painting while they wait. We go further and our staff get involved in the games by preparing workshops and activities so that they have a GREAT time. 🦸


We don't want tears, much less fear. We are looking for smiles, laughter and the desire to come back. 😍


For your little one's next dental check-up come along and we'll turn their idea of a visit to the dentist on its head. 🙃

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