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They tell you that you have to wipe their mouth with a gauze pad moistened with water once a day. And when you try, your baby is uncomfortable, cries or won't let you. 👼🏼


If this happens to you, let us give you a hand and accept a couple of tips to keep your baby's mouth healthy. They'll also help you learn to enjoy your new routine with your baby. 🤱


It is logical that if you have not done it since birth, it is strange for the baby when you put your finger in his mouth to rub gently between the gums and lips. He needs to get used to it.


How to do it then? By imitation and play.


Babies are attracted by novelty: take advantage of this and stand in front of a mirror. Take two gauze pads, one for you and one for your baby, and start with your mouth. Pretend to wipe it. Then try it with his mouth. You'll see how he'll be encouraged to do it too.


🟣 Learning by playing: every day at the same time, it's time to play at cleaning teeth. Help yourself with games, gestures in front of the mirror, songs and laughter, lots of laughter.


So, relax, set aside some time every day at the same time to play and introduce this new routine naturally, with love and patience. The best thing is to turn it into a moment of complicity and love between the two of you. 🕢


If it doesn't work on the first day, that's OK. You'll see small gains in no time.


Tell us, do you already have a routine for your little one's oral hygiene? Share your tip with other mums in the comments. 👇

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