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Crowded teeth are one of the most common most common problems in young children. If they still have milk teeth, they are solved in one way. If they have permanent teeth, in another way. We explain it to you.

Crowded teeth in children under 4 years of age are solved by considering interceptive orthodontics. The baby teeth are the guides for the permanent teeth, which are the ones that need to be put in place.

What we do in our orthodontic clinic in Sabadell is to place this guide in your mouth, with the milk teeth still to fall out. In this way, we ensure that, when the tooth that has to fall out emerges stay in his mouth foreverdo it well. In our orthodontic dental centre we are great specialists in this method.

Early interceptive orthodontics is sensational because it is cheaper than traditional orthodontics, is a preventive and not a corrective method, It is diagnosed on the basis of the clues that your baby teeth give us as to how your permanent teeth will appear.

dientes apiñados en niños

Crowded teeth in children are getting worse - never resort to home-made solutions!

If the child is older, if they are 8, 9, 10 years old or more, what we do is to use braces or invisible orthodontics. Crowded teeth are very annoying. As well as causing little injuries, remember that continuous chewing with the jaw unaligned deforms the face, makes them adopt bad chewing habits and, with the passage of time, this problem will increase.

Whether your child is older or younger, at our orthodontic clinic in Sabadell, we have the following services for your child we have the solution. But never try any home remedies at home. Anything you try will only ruin your child's enamel, cause injury and make him or her fearful at the mere thought of coming to the orthodontist. Count on us.

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