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Do you still think you only have to take your children to the dentist when they have a crooked tooth or if their mouth hurts? 😲

The truth is that a lot of things happen in the mouth during child development. 

 Pain or poorly positioned teeth is a consequence.

 What a paediatric dentist does is to look for the source. Why does it happen? 👨⚕️

 A slight correction of the palate or bite can prevent it, before it manifests itself. 

 At Ziving we like to offer follow-up plans rather than one-off treatments. The reason for this is that we believe that prevention is less invasive and avoids further treatment.

 It is also cheaper in the long run. 💸

 Don't wait. When your children turn 5, come and meet us.

Have your children already lost their first baby tooth? 🦷

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