Ziving Orthodontics Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
A magical world of Orthodontics in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
What may come as a bit of a surprise to us grown-ups is not so surprising in the imagination of children. At ourchildren's dental centre we want to be part of their world. We want them to immerse themselves in a magical and unique adventure with Ziving® Orthodontics Las Palmas de Gran Canaria that they will remember for the rest of their lives. At Ziving® Orthodontics Las Palmas de Gran Canaria there are rockets that take off, workshops and a whole house full of details and imagination. There the children play, mess and tidy up and, above all, make new friends.

Orthodontists Las Palmas

- Degree in Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid (2005-2010).
- Master in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics for Children and Adults at the International University of Catalonia, Barcelona (2011-2014).
- Master's Degree in Biomaterials Research at the International University of Catalonia, Barcelona (2011-2012).
- Postgraduate degree in Orthognathic Surgery and Surgical Orthodontics from the International University of Catalonia, Barcelona (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014).
- Master in Invisible Orthodontics (Invisalign System) by the European Master of Aligners.
- Clinical stay at the Department of Temporomandibular Dysfunction of the International University of Catalonia (2014).
- Certification in Invisible Orthodontic techniques: Invisalign and All-IN Micerium.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics (SEDO), collaborating with oral communications in its annual meetings.
- Scholarship for clinical stay at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine awarded by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2009).
- Member of the Spanish Association of Orthodontic Specialists (AESOR).
- 2014 grant from the Spanish Society of Orthodontics (SEDO) for clinical stays with orthodontists in Spain and Italy.
- Member of the Group of Odontostomatological Studies of the Canary Islands (GEOEC).
- Scientific Excellence Award for the best Final Master's Degree Research Project in Dentistry (2012), International University of Catalonia.
- Scholarship for study assistance for Excellent Academic Achievement granted by the Community of Madrid (2005).

- More than 35 years attending courses, congresses and seminars on diagnostic systems and treatment philosophy.
- Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of La Laguna in 1975.
- Specialist in Stomatology from the University of Barcelona in 1977.
- Postgraduate degree in Orthodontics at the Centre for Continuing Orthodontic Studies (1978-1981).
- Postgraduate in Orthodontics at the BioProgressive Therapy Seminars Dr.C.Gugino (USA) (1982-1985).
- Full member of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics in 1985.
- Associate Professor of the Chair of Orthodontics at the University of Barcelona (1991-1997).
- President of the XXXVII Meeting of the Spanish Orthodontic Society in 1991.
- Collaborator in the Scientific Conferences of the Official Association of Odontologists and Stomatologists of Las Palmas.
- Founding Member of AESOR (Spanish Association of Orthodontics).
- Lecturer in various courses and conferences in Europe and America.
- Founding Member of the Grupo de Estudios OdontoEstomatologicos Canarios.
- Author of several scientific publications.
- Collaborating Member of the Asosiacion Canaria de Higienistas Dentales.
- First Orthodontist in exclusive practice in Las Palmas de G.C. since 1981.
Specialist Las Palmas

- Degree in Dentistry from the European University of Madrid.
(2000-2005) - Master's Degree in Paediatric Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid.
(2005-2007) - PhD from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria with the thesis "Odontogenesis and dental age in children" (2013).
- Member of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Dentistry (SEOP) since 2005.
- Postgraduate course in the Treatment of Patients with Special Needs at the University of Seville (2007-2008).
- Member of the Spanish Society of Integrated Paediatric Dentistry (SEOII) since 2006.
- Certificate of training to perform conscious sedation with Nitrous Oxide by the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Odontoesmatology for Patients with Special Needs (SEOENE) since 2006.
Las Palmas Orthodontic Team

- Name: Itahisa
- E-Mail: coordinadora@hbellini.com
- Phone: 928 431 042

- Phone: 928 43 10 42
- Email recepcion@hbellini.com

- Phone: 928 43 10 42
- Email recepcion@hbellini.com

- Name: Monica
- E-Mail: odontopediatria@hbellini.com
- Phone: 928 431 042

- Phone: 928 43 10 42
- Email recepcion@hbellini.com
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Services in Ziving Las Palmas
Although at Ziving® Orthodontics Las Palma swe perform orthodontic treatments at any age, also adult orthodontics, our specialty is children's orthodontics. Specifically, from five years old, that's when we achieve the best results.
The Invisible Orthodontics en Ziving® Ortodoncia Las Palmas se realiza con los sistemas más innovadores de alineadores transparentes. Mediante esta técnica podemos enderezar los dientes apiñados, separados, torcidos o mal encajados en niños o adolescentes. De forma sencilla, invisible, indolora y, lo mas importante, garantizada.
It is fundamental the prevention and dental treatment of children from childhood to teenagers through our service of pediatric dentistry through which we have been taking care of children's mouths for more than 30 years.
Hello! Are you looking for a dental solution in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for you?
Make an Appointment Here Ziving Orthodontics Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Phone: 928 43 10 42
Adress: Calle Triana 88, 2º, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- Monday : 10:00 a 18:30
- Tuesday: 11:00 a 19:30
- Wednesday and Thursday: 11:00 a 19:00
- Friday: 8:30 a 15:00
- Saturday and Sunday: Closed