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During coronavirus confinement, many children in Valencia around 10 months of age will be teething. This is a very important time for them and requires our utmost patience as parents.

The first teeth to erupt are the two pallets of the lower arch. There will be discomfort; not all children are in pain, but most of them are. At this stage we need to have their teethers and dummy close at hand, because they will need them. For many girls this is enough, but sometimes extra help is needed.

Try putting the teether and even the soother in the freezer or fridge for a while. That way, biting on it will soothe him a little. If it bothers him a lot, you can do the same with the teat of the soother and with the milk you give him if you are on formula.

But at the moment when you are at stake If you want your daughter to let you sleep at night, it is in the management of drooling. When she starts teething, and also before and after, your little one will turn into a drool hose. It will soak your T-shirt, your whole face and your neck.

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Irritations on the face from drooling when teething can be very annoying.

It is very important that you are vigilant and get into the habit of wiping the drool off his face with a soft cloth. If you don't do this, his chin and the edges of his face will get red. He will hurt himself with the soother and also with his nails, as he will scratch himself at night, injure himself and wake you up. So here's another very important tip: file your baby's nails well so that he doesn't hurt himself as much as possible.

As a last piece of advice, have a soft and fresh cream for the face to reduce irritation, as well as one for the bottom, as it will be redder at this time. As it is important to keep your baby confined, remember that you can buy these creams from online pharmacies. The more time we spend at home, the better, so keep your spirits up!

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