A magic mágico para niños y adultos en Valencia
Do you know why our orthodontics clinic in Valencia is the kids' favourite? Because at our children's dental centre in Valencia we want to be part of their world. We want them to immerse themselves from the first day with Ziving® Valencia in a magical and unique adventure that they will remember for the rest of their lives. At Ziving® Valencia there are rockets that take off, workshops and a whole house full of details and imagination. There children play, mess and tidy up and, above all, make new friends.
We combine this with the best paediatric dentistry service and specific dental treatments for adults, so that parents who visit us with their children can take advantage of the opportunity to have a check-up and follow an Invisalign treatment.

Si eres profesional de la odontología , te ayudo a…
Ortodoncista especialista en Ortodoncia infantil, ortodoncia adultos y ortodoncia invisible en Valencia

- Degree in Dentistry from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Valencia (1988-1993).
- Master's Degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics for Children and Adults from the University of Barcelona, under the Erasmus programme (highest European qualification in the speciality of Orthodontics (1993-1996).
- Diploma of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction.
- Course for managing dental radiodiagnostic facilities.
- Member of the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the Third Region (Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de la Tercera Región) since 1994.
- Active member no. 983 of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics (SEDO).
- Member of the Spanish Society of Aligners (SEDA).
- Member of the Association of Orthodontic Specialists (AESOR).
- Member of the American Orthodontic Society (AAO).
- Member of the World Federation of Orthodontics (WFO).
- Member of DSD (Digital Smile Design).
- Diploma in lingual technique, Incognito System.
- "Invisalign Diamond Doctor", the highest international category awarded by Align Technology (Invisalign).
- Diploma from the International University of Catalonia Expert in Orthognathic Surgery and Pre-surgical Orthodontics (2017).
- Orthopulse Diamond Provider 2018.
- Speaker at SEDA Malaga 2019.
- Exclusive practice of orthodontics for children and adults since 1994.
- Specialist in children's treatments with alienators.

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email recepcion@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email recepcion@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email recepcion@cbadia.com
Equipo dental valencia

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email pepi@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email ana@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email angels@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email laurapiqueras@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email amparo@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email mc.guillen@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
- Email elena@cbadia.com

- Phone: 963 51 87 88
Disponemos de planes de pago personalizados para tu tratamiento dental
Servicios dentales Ziving Valencia
Although at Ziving® Orthodontics Valencia we perform orthodontic treatments at any age, also adult orthodontics, our specialty is children's orthodontics. Specifically, from five years old, that's when we achieve the best results.
The Invisible Orthodontics en Ziving® Ortodoncia Valencia se realiza con los sistemas más innovadores de alineadores transparentes. Mediante esta técnica podemos enderezar los dientes apiñados, separados, torcidos o mal encajados en niños o adolescentes. De forma sencilla, invisible, indolora y, lo mas importante, garantizada.
It is fundamental the prevention and dental treatment of children from childhood to teenagers through our service of pediatric dentistry through which we have been taking care of children's mouths for more than 30 years.
With the PADI programme, we want to contribute our experience and help your children grow up with a healthy and happy smile. It is a children's dental care programme aimed at all children from 2 to 12 years of age.
Are you looking for a dental solution in Valencia for you?
Request Appointment Here at Ziving Ortodoncia Valencia
Phone: 963 51 87 88
Emergencies: 618 54 20 74
Adress: Conde de Salvatierra, 13, Valencia.
- Monday: 10:00 a 20:00
- Tuesday to Thursday 9:00 a 20:00
- Friday: 9:00 a 14:00
- Saturday and Sunday: Closed