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All the dentists, orthodontists and health staff at Dr. Consuelo Badía's clinic are firmly committed to your son or daughter losing their fear of the dentist; what's more, our goal is that they enjoy coming to visit us, that they ask for it themselves, does this seem like an impossible mission? Well, it's something that we have already achieved with our loving treatmentour decoration and all the toys we have for him!

But because for some children and even some parents it's still a tense time, here are a few tips on how to manage and control fear and anxiety. Today, around 15% of people still have some apprehension about the dentist. For them, there are a few tricks.

Breathing management helps with anxiety

If your child finds it difficult to come and visit us, the first thing is that you don't pass on your own fears born of the dentists of yesteryear.. Explain to him that nothing is wrong, that nothing bad is going to happen to him and that we will treat him very well at our orthodontic clinic. Today's braces are not at all as uncomfortable as they used to be, and light sedation is still an option. Teach him to control his breathing to calm down. Slow, deep breaths are ideal for these situations.

Like our dental clinic in Valencia is so beautiful, we invite you to pay us a visit before the service. Just come and have a look at our facilities and let you familiarise yourself with them. We usually have fewer people in the early hours of the day, which will help you to calm down, but please do not come too early so that you do not spend more time than necessary in the waiting room. It could increase your anxiety.


Do you like music? Put your headphones on

A little music will relax you while you wait. In case you are very, very afraid, you can agree with him a sign that he wants to leave and can't take it anymore. Try to use a sympathetic word to help them relax. And if all this doesn't work, remember that we can always resort to mild sedation.

Our orthodontic clinic in Valencia is especially good with children who don't like to visit the dentist, come and see for yourself!

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