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Is there a minimum age for orthodontics in children? What are the views on this? Many parents ask themselves these questions. From the first years of a child's life, with the arrival of the baby teeth, deviations can be noticed at birth. They are not 100% symptomatic that the child will have a malocclusion, but the mission of the milk teeth is to pave the way for the permanent teeth.

That is why many parents no longer wait for the birth of the permanent teeth to come to our orthodontic practice and dental aesthetics centre in Valencia. They do it even before the minimum age for orthodontics; and why? Well, the truth is that there are many reasons to come to see us earlier than you might think. To begin with, if children visit an orthodontic clinic when they are very young, they will not be scared to do so when they grow up, as they will not have any preconceived ideas.

 The sooner you come for your first check-up with the dentist and orthodontist, the better.

Our orthodontic clinic is especially designed for the little ones; we even have a space rocket! Because we want them to feel very comfortable with us. Another advantage is that we can analyse the evolution of their mouth at an early age. The minimum age for orthodontics is usually around five to six years, which is when the first check-ups are advised, but if we can see him earlier, it will be better for him and his dental health.

Interceptive orthodontics can be applied at this age, and is the best age to put orthodontics on a child, before resorting to Invisalign or braces, with a recommended age of around 10-11 years depending on the case. But the best thing is always an early check-up, examining their case and proposing personalised treatments adapted to their needs. This is how we like to work in our practice. Make an appointment to make your child's smile spectacular.

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