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We may be facing the strangest summer in recent history. The beaches will be cordoned off and separated into small plots to maintain a safe distance, we will have to wear the mask almost permanently. and we'd probably prefer to take a little getaway to a place close to home rather than far away. But it doesn't all have to be bad, because did you know that this summer is the best time to get braces?

And that is because one of the most common excuses not to wear braces is that you don't want to be seen with it. However, thanks to the mask, its presence is much less noticeable. It will also be a summer in which you will go less to parties or meetings, so the other reason or excuse will also be greatly reduced: the discomfort when eating. Eating with orthodontics is not a problem, but it is true that we have to be careful with certain foods.


The mask can be a great ally of the braces

When we are at home, we can choose what to eat without much trouble, but if we spend the day at a beach bar or partying with friends, it is more complicated. This reduction in social activity is an opportunity to leave excuses aside and encourage people to wear braces.

In any case, if you are one of those people who will continue to enjoy the sun, the beach and barbecues (always maintaining safety standards), remember that in our orthodontic clinic in Valencia for adults and children alike, we also offer the following services we are specialists in InvisalignThe transparent orthodontics that can be removed to eat and that has results as good as braces. For more information, come and visit us at Ziving Badia. We have all the protection, safety and health measures to guarantee you a safe visit without any risk of contagion.


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