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Energy drinks are one of the most popular drinks today. In video games such as Death Stranding, the protagonist consumes them continuously to replenish life, on television they appear daily without any kind of warning, and they sponsor sporting competitions. Little by little, they are managing to make drinking them part of a lifestyle, as they did with coffee in our parents' generation.

With coffee, society has gradually become aware that, although it does not contain alcohol, it should be drunk in moderation. Now no one who has high blood pressure, worries about discoloured teeth or sleep problems drinks coffee. Parents don't let their children drink it until they are older, but, what about energy drinks? Well, they are still understood as something that can be drunk without any problems, as if it were just another sugary soft drink.

However, with this type of beverage, you have to be even more careful than with coffee, not only because of its tremendous caffeine or taurine content, but also because of the havoc it wreaks on the body. what they can do to teeth that are still forming. In this respect, they present two risks to teeth:

  • Dental erosionall of these products have an acid pH, which means that they cause the teeth to gradually erode and lose their strength.
  • Hypersensitivityerosion leads us to have less resistance to temperature changes, so we can suffer from hypersensitivity.
  • Carieshigh sugar content can lead to tooth decay, a risk that increases the more sugars are consumed and if they are not followed.


Energy drinks pose risks to your children's teeth

If you have any questions in this regard, please contact us. In our orthodontic clinic in Valencia we care about your child's health. You can count on us.

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