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If you are a mother or father, one of your biggest worries is the moment when you are going to put your child's orthodontics, their dental health and that they can smile with pleasure and joy. To ensure that everything goes well, the important thing is to start with a first check-up at the age of 7 years and come back regularly..Many parents believe that until the baby teeth fall out it is not necessary to visit the orthodontist, but this is a mistake. What they investigate is the bite, if it is going to be perfect or if there is going to be a malocclusion, i.e. a malocclusion of the teeth. malocclusion o bad bite due to incorrect positioning of the teeth.

Our paediatric dentist acts as a 'pundit' or investigator; always backed by science, of course. He or she will examine your child's baby teeth to check that everything is developing well, that there are no bone complications or bad habits that could lead us to think that your child is having a problem. a future problem involving orthodontics. What is interesting and why this first intervention should be carried out when the child is seven years old is because it can prevent greater evils.

lavarse los dientes niños

Because prevention is always better than cure, come to the 7-year check-up - 963 518 788

Before invisible orthodontics, there is what is known as interceptive orthodontics, which 'intercepts' future problems of dental crowding, crossbite, etc. As these are preventive treatments, they last less time than corrective treatments and are more effective. In the event that these reviews are not carried out and come to visit us for the first time when your dwarf is ten or twelve years old, is that we will have to use Invisalign directly without being able to count on the interceptive option.

At our orthodontic clinic in Valencia we will always give you the best results, but it is clear that prevention is always better than cure. So, if you live in Valencia and your tadpoles are about to turn seven, make an appointment for us to see them.

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