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Baby teeth are very important for our baby. They mark the beginning of chewing and are used for to make room for the permanent teeth. However, sometimes they are born a bit crooked, not in the right order or are slow to emerge or fall. All these problems worry parents. Today we will talk about the birth of crooked teeth.

There are several reasons for this why a baby tooth may appear crooked, but it must be understood that what we are going to tell you refers to cases in general terms. Whenever you have any doubts, please contact us and come and visit us. We will study your child's case We will talk to you about preventive orthodontics and your specific situation.

But generally speaking, crooked baby teeth can appear this way because of congenital or hereditary causesThe most common ones that can appear crooked are the lower pallets, which are the first to be born. The most common ones that can appear crooked are the lower pallets, which are the first to be born. Is this a problem?


If you have any doubts about crooked baby teeth, visit our orthodontic clinic.

In principle, is not a serious problem. If your baby teeth are born crooked or normal, this does not mean that you will need orthodontics or not. Many people have baby teeth in good condition. and straight and the permanent teeth force you to wear braces or Invisalign, and vice versa. The baby teeth open the way for the permanent teeth, and there is not always a correlation between a crooked baby tooth and a crooked permanent tooth; although it can favour this situation as the baby tooth is a guide.

The best thing you can do is to visit us. One visit a year from the first year of life is wonderful. so that we can monitor your case and use early orthodontics instead of late orthodontics. Don't worry if a crooked baby tooth appears, we will analyse its progress, follow it up and take measures if necessary.

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