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Bad breath or halitosis is a nuisance. It undermines our self-esteem, makes us unable to talk to other people and can even cause us a lot of embarrassment. There are many causes of this problem: bad digestion, infection, but wearing Invisalign or braces can never be one of them.

Some patients ask us if wearing braces causes bad breath; and no, it does not cause itHowever, it can be caused by poor hygiene of clear aligners or brackets. The key is to always clean them correctly, adopting certain brushing routines in addition to the ones you have for cleaning your teeth. It won't take long, you just have to be consistent; the result? Perfect, fresh, bacteria-free breath.

When you come to ask for more information for yourself or for your children in our clinic in Valencia about our orthodontics methodsWe will also talk about how it is cleaned and used. In the case of Invisalign, it has the advantage that you can take it off to eat. This system consists of several sets of interchangeable and removable splints. You have to wear them for 22 hours, you can't eat anything except water with them on and you have to wash them thoroughly.

¿Mal aliento con la ortodoncia? ¡Elimínalo así fácilmente?With some simple care, your orthodontics won't cause bad breath

Whenever you clean your teeth after eating, you should always use a little soap and a soft brush to clean your Invisalign teeth. We'll also recommend a small tablet that dissolves in water for the finishing touch. After that you can put them on again and they will be as good as new.

In the case of braces, you just have to be careful not to eat certain foods that can leave small solid remains between them. With this advice and a good brushing after every meal, your braces will be perfect. If you follow all these tips, you won't have to worry about bad breath with orthodontics.. If you have any questions, you know where to find us.


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