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It is normal for young children, even as babies, choose to breathe through the nose instead of the mouth. Even if the baby has a cold, he or she tries. However, there are cases of boys and girls who prefer to breathe through their mouths rather than through their noses. And that is a problem.

Although the airways are connected, and we can breathe through both the mouth and the nose, it is always preferable to breathe through the nose. There are several reasons for this. In the nose we have protective hairs that retain the particles carried in the air, preventing them from passing into the body. This reduces the occurrence of diseases caused by bacteria, but the most important reason is the one that concerns us as orthodontists.

Any habit that we adopt and repeat day after day with our body has consequences. In the case of mouth-breathing, it will produce alterations in the shape of the jaw and even the face. Children who breathe through their mouths tend to have their faces tilted backwards. The main problem is not aesthetic, it is that this bad habit is preventing them from developing correctly.

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Mouth-breathing is no joke

And how can this be prevented from happening? At our orthodontics and dental health clinic in Valencia we are experts in this case. Come and visit us. We will be able to apply interceptive orthodontic treatments and apply specific correction processes, give you and your child advice to tackle this problem and redirect their growth in the correct way.

In short, if you see that your child is breathing through their mouth and spends the whole day with it open, don't wait another day and come and visit us. As you can see, your child breathing only through their mouth can have serious consequences on their development.

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