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When we think about our children's teeth we think that the only professional in charge of correcting and fixing their smile is the children's orthodontist. However, before your child is referred to an orthodontist, must first be seen by a paediatric dentist.

At Dr. Consuelo Badía's clinic we have an excellent paediatric dentistry service. They are our private investigators. What they do is analyse your dwarf's mouth in order to anticipate any future dental problems that may arise. That is why we always recommend that you have the following done the first visit to our orthodontic clinic in Valencia around the age of 7 years old.This is an ideal age to be able to predict what future problems will occur in their dentition.

Once our paediatric dentist has got down to work, will send her to our orthodontistSo what do we do now? Very simple: apply the appropriate treatment once the best diagnosis has been made. Generally speaking, there are two possibilities in this situation. If we can, we will apply interceptive orthodontic treatment.. With it, we can stop these deviations in the dentition before they occur. At this age, this can be done by 're-educating' the tooth and showing it how to settle.


Paediatric Dentistry in Valencia specialising in Invisalign - 963 518 788

If your daughter or son is already a few years old, we will switch to traditional orthodontics, but with an interesting twist: instead of using the usual brackets, what we will do is use Invisalign. This is a transparent orthodontic system consisting of a set of two sleeves that are interchanged over time. You can't see them, they don't hurt your lips and you can take them off to eat. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Therefore, if you are looking for the best paediatric dentistry clinic in Valencia that knows how to anticipate what is going to happen in your child's mouth and is an expert in the use of Invisalign, count on Dr. Consuelo Badía's team.

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