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Many parents ask us worriedly when each of their baby's teeth will come in. They ask if the palettes, the canines have not yet erupted or if they have not yet the teeth are taking too long. It is important not to worry too much about this. Some children begin to erupt their baby teeth at five months while others take much longer. The same is true for the rest of the teeth.

One piece of advice we give you is that before searching the internet if your child has a problem, you should consult us. At the orthodontic clinic of Dr. Consuelo Badía, a specialist in cases of young children, we will analyse your child's case to see if everything is going well.. And while it may seem crazy to bring your child to the dentist so early, it will actually help them become familiar with us and our centre.

Teeth will appear when your child is used to chewing and eating.

Back to the question, the symptoms are the same as for the rest of the teethAnd the time of onset is sometime when your little one is already eating and starting to bite. It can take a year and a half, or even two years or a little more. They usually erupt behind the incisors at a time when the teeth appear one after the other.

To know that they are appearing, you only have to look at that part of his mouth. He may be a little uncomfortable, but the toothpaste you have to clean his teeth at this time of year will help. You can also use cold foods to soothe them in case of discomfort. After the molars, the canines will come in until they make up the 20 pieces of temporary teeth. Then they will fall out and the permanent teeth will come in.We look forward to seeing you and your children in our clinic so that their smile is always perfect!

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