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If there is one thing we all have in common, it is that we love to see happy, smiling children. 💗

The laughter of little ones is capable of improving the day of everyone around them. As a mother you are fortunate enough to enjoy it every day.  

That is why the mere thought that something could make them lose their smile makes us shy away. It is logical. 🦷

When a child is between 5 and 7 years old, he or she is still growing. Therefore, at that time, what the orthodontist does is to help the teeth grow as they should naturally. It is a minimal correction and the child is not even aware of it. 😃

However, if you wait until the child is at least 10 years old and the dentition has finished erupting, then orthodontic treatment is almost the same as for an adult. 👩⚕️

That is why at Ziving orthodontics Valencia we always emphasise the importance of prevention. 

Make an appointment now at Ziving orthodontics Valencia. Prevent to correct without discomfort and continue to fill your life with contagious smiles. 😍

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