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How is your child's mouth from 0 to 5 years

Normality in

children from 0 to 5 years

Congratulations! Your child is growing and the first milk teeth start to appear at around 6-8 months of age. At two years of age, the first dentition is complete. It is normal that, coinciding with the eruption of some teeth, there may be some discomfort, a day of discomfort or even a slight fever.

The first teething will allow our little one to perform important functions such as chewing solid food. The mouth and nose area is also involved in breathing, swallowing and speech. That is why it is essential to control and maintain a healthy mouth from the earliest stages.

Our solutions for your child

from 0 to 5 years old

Pediatric Dentistry

Take care of your children's dental health

At this age the important thing is start laying the groundwork for good oral health. Our objectives will be to take care of the diet, avoiding sugars and cleaning these first teeth. In the early stages, with the help of mum and towards the two years introducing the brush with a child's toothpaste (fluoride based).

This is a good time for a first oral check-up with the paediatric dentist (children's dentist). It will help us to avoid caries and will give us a first orientation about possible alterations in the oral formation.

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