Ziving Orthodontics Palma de Mallorca
A magic Ziving Tomás Sastre Orthodontics magic
What we grown-ups find somewhat surprising, is not so surprising in the imagination of children. At our children's dental centre in Palma de Mallorca we want to be part of their world. We want them to immerse themselves from the first day with Ziving® Orthodontics Palma de Mallorca in a magical and unique adventure that they will remember for the rest of their lives. At Ziving® Tomás Sastre there are rockets that take off, workshops and a whole house full of details and imagination. There children play, mess and tidy up and, above all, make new friends.

Orthodontist Ziving

- Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona, with the qualification of "Outstanding". (1976-1982).
- Specialist in Stomatology from the University of Valencia. (1984-1986).
- Postgraduate in Orthodontics by the University of Valencia (1986-1988).
- Degree of University Specialist Stomatologist in Orthodontics from the University of Oviedo. 1996.
- Juan Carol Award to the best first communication of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics in 1990.
- Professor of the Department of Orthodontics of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Balearic Islands. UIB.ADEMA (2020)
- "Invisalign Diamond Doctor", the highest international category awarded by Align Technology (Invisalign).
- Diplomate Member of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics (SEDO) (1995).
- President of the XLV Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics in 1999.
- Associate Professor of the Chair of Orthodontics at the University of Barcelona (1991-1992).
- President of the Scientific Commission of the Official College of Odontologists and Stomatologists of the Balearic Islands (1991-1995).
- Participant of the Inter University Cooperation Programme Erasmus.
- Member of SEDO (Spanish Society of Orthodontics).
- Member of AESOR (Association of Orthodontic Specialists).
- Member of the Board of Directors of AESOR (Spanish Association of Orthodontics).
- Member of SEDA (Spanish Society of Aligners).
- Member of the AAO (American Association of Orthodontics).
- Member of EOS (European Association of Orthodontics).
- Member of the WFO (World Federation of Orthodontics).
- Member of the College of Odontologists and Stomatologists of the Balearic Islands (col.253)
- Member of the College of Doctors of the Balearic Islands (col.2970)
- Author of the chapter "Root resorption associated with orthodontic treatment". of the book "Multidisciplinary Orthodontics of the Dr. Margarita Varela.
- Lecturer in many courses and conferences.
- Author of several scientific publications.
- More than 20,000 orthodontic cases treated.
- Exclusive practice in adult and paediatric orthodontics for 30 years (Sept. 1988)

- Degree in Dentistry from the University of Barcelona.
- Specialist in conservative dentistry and paediatric dentistry, and supervisor of radiodiagnostic equipment.

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

Postgraduate in paediatric dentistry at the Academy of Technical Science of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.
Master in Orthodontics at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona.
Technician in invisible orthodontics (Invisalign) as well as in the application of the Damon system. Member of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics.
She carries out orthodontic treatments for both children and adults and is responsible for carrying out treatments with the Invisalign technique and traditional orthodontics.

Master's degree in oral and maxillofacial surgery from New York University.
He also holds a Master's degree and fellowship in advanced periodontology and implants from New York University.
Master's degree in implantology and oral rehabilitation from the European School of Rehabilitation, Implantology and biomaterials.
Certified for the administration of nitrous oxide. Member of the SEPA (Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration) and the AAP (American Academy of Periodontics).

Master in Advanced Endodontics. January 2020 - present. * Endoformación León.
Master in Oral Aesthetics and Rehabilitation. July 2017 - July 2018. * European University Miguel de Cervantes. Valladolid.
Expert in Periodontal Clinic. January 2018 - April 2018 *Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Higher University Course in Implantoprosthetics. January 2017 - December 2017. *King Juan Carlos University of Madrid.

Member of the SEOC (Spanish Society of Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry).
Postgraduate in paediatric dentistry (College of Dentists of Almeria). Postgraduate in Orthodontics (Gestoma Dental Specialities Centre, Seville).
Extensive experience in paediatric dentistry treatment through behavioural management.
He also performs conservative and cosmetic dentistry treatments on adult patients.

Postgraduate in Integrated Paediatric Dentistry Clinic from Cespu University, Portugal. He performs dental treatments for both children and adults.

Biomechanics applied to patients. University of Oviedo
Clinical Approach to Orthodontic Treatment
Master in Invisalign. Manuel Romasn Academy
Master in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Member of the SEOC (Spanish Society of Conservative and Aesthetic Dentistry).
Postgraduate in paediatric dentistry (College of Dentists of Almeria). Postgraduate in Orthodontics (Gestoma Dental Specialities Centre, Seville).
Extensive experience in paediatric dentistry treatment through behavioural management.
He also performs conservative and cosmetic dentistry treatments on adult patients.

He is in charge of making all the equipment for the treatments.
Ziving Team

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com

- Phone: 971 71 46 94
- Email recepcion@tsastre.com
We have customized payment plans for you
Services in by Ziving Tomás Sastre
Although at Ziving® Orthodontics Palma de Mallorca we carry out orthodontic treatments at any age, we also adult orthodontics, our specialty is children's orthodontics. Specifically, from five years old, that's when we achieve the best results.
The Invisible Orthodontics en Ziving® Ortodoncia Palma de Mallorca se realiza con los sistemas más innovadores de alineadores transparentes. Mediante esta técnica podemos enderezar los dientes apiñados, separados, torcidos o mal encajados en niños o adolescentes. De forma sencilla, invisible, indolora y, lo mas importante, garantizada.
It is fundamental the prevention and dental treatment of children from childhood to teenagers through our service of pediatric dentistry through which we have been taking care of children's mouths for more than 30 years.
With the PADI programme in Palma de Mallorca we want to contribute our experience and help your children to grow up with a healthy and happy smile. It is a children's dental care programme aimed at all children from 6 to 15 years of age.
Are you looking for a dental solution in Palma de Mallorca for yourself?
Make an Appointment Here at Ziving Tomás Sastre Orthodontics
Phone: 971 71 46 94
Emergencies:619 94 07 92 (Solo fines de semana y festivos)
Adress:Paseo del Borne 14, 1º, Palma de Mallorca
- Monday to Thursday: 12:00 a 20:00
- Friday: 9:00 a 16:00
- Saturday and Sunday: Closed