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Activated charcoal has become very popular for whitening teeth. Many influencers are promoting its benefits on social media. Brands have added it to their products, but does it really whiten teeth?

Activated charcoal is a substance used to absorb toxic substances from the body when one has been poisoned, for example. It is abrasive. When used on teeth, it is capable of destroying tooth enamel. Enamel is your teeth's protective barrier against bacteria and external injury.. Severe damage to the enamel will lead to tooth sensitivity and future pathologies.

So, if it is so harmful, why is it so famous? Because like all supposedly miraculous remedies, it offers good results in appearance and in principle, but not so good in the long run. Because of its potency, it is able to minimise the stains produced by tobacco, curry consumption or coffee and red wine, but it is not just cleaning the stains, it is taking the enamel with it.


The destruction of enamel is no laughing matter. It does not only mean pain when eating cold food. The lack of enamel leads to tooth decay, i.e. the build-up of bacteria in the tooth. which can eventually lead to periodontal disease, in the loss of the tooth and in the derivation of a worse pathology. Remember that if the infection gets into the bloodstream, other parts of your body could become infected.

Of course, this is not a common occurrence, but it is common to see people obsessed with achieving quick beauty results without effort destroying their enamel with activated charcoal. If you really want to have white teeth, never trust in miracle remedies you find on the internet, always check the information with a specialist, go to accredited professionals and have healthy lifestyle habits to avoid staining them. In our

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