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The appearance of teeth in babies causes a lot of uncertainty in new parents, but what you should never do is trust blogs or internet articles, as they could be written by anyone. Whenever you have any doubts about your child's teeth, contact our doctor Consuelo Badía at the Consuelo Badía dental and orthodontic clinic. We will examine your dwarf at our centre in Valencia. And we're telling you this because of the old urban legend that fever may break out with the appearance of the first molars.

The molars are not of the first teeth to eruptBut because of their size, many parents fear that their appearance will cause their children a lot of pain, which means sleepless nights, discomfort and trips to the emergency room... What are we going to tell you that you don't already know, right? Teething tends to cause excessive salivation, a few welts around the mouth and even some redness in the bottom, but never a fever.

You need to understand what fever is. This spontaneous rise in body temperature is a response of the immune system against an invader. This is why a fever is often a warning sign of the presence of a fever or virus. The eruption of a tooth as such is not invasive, is neither a virus nor a bacterium, is a normal part of any person's development and should therefore not lead to fever.

A tooth rash does not usually cause fever, see a doctor.

In the event that during the birth of any of your teeth fever is presentIf your child has a fever, think that it could be another illness or a reaction to a vaccination. We are not telling you this so that you will be shocked or alarmed if your child suddenly has a fever; they may have a few tenths that your doctor has surely explained to you how to treat at home; but if in doubt, if it does not go down, if you think it may be a serious case or if you have any doubts, go to the emergency room or to your family doctor. The important thing about this article is that you do not stay at home thinking that it is normal for him to have a fever. because he's teething.

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