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Babies can also have bruxism. Many parents find that they go into their babies' rooms at night to tuck them in and hear them grinding their teeth. It's an annoying and very worrying sound, because what could cause a baby to clench their jaw and rub their teeth against each other?

The truth is that the causes are very similar to those that cause bruxism in adults and adolescents. Babies can also suffer from stress and anxiety. A whole new world opens up to them and they learn something new every day. Almost every second, their intellectual capacities grow as well as their stature. They want to try everything, to experience everything, and this sometimes leads them to hit themselves or become stressed. In addition, some children also have behavioural disorders that affect their relationship with the world.

I'm sure you've heard your child to give a little cry in one's sleep without waking up. At night they unconsciously go over everything that has happened during the day. If they are nervous or in situations of anxiety or stress, they may develop bruxism with their baby teeth. In addition, the birth of teeth, pain, discomfort or persistent discomfort can also cause them to grind their teeth.

Babies can also have bruxism with baby teeth.

Fortunately, bruxism in babies is usually temporary and ends when the permanent teeth come in. In any case, it never hurts to bring your little one to our orthodontic and dental health clinic in Valencia. The sooner we start with dental consultations, the better. We will be able to determine the cause of the bruxism and even analyse how their dentition is developing. This way we can intervene effectively and preventively against any malocclusion.

And what tips can we give you to make bruxism in babies milder? Calm, avoid stimuli that can provoke stress, less shouting, establish a very marked daily routine, lots of play so that he gets to bed tired and love, lots and lots of love.

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