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When a baby starts teething, there are two first phases that are particularly upsetting for the baby: the first teeth and the first molars. The symptoms are similar in both cases: your baby's temper will change, he will sleep worse for a couple of days, he will be fussy, he will ask for his dummy more, he will salivate a lot more and will be more irritable. 

A baby will teeth erupt in a particular orderBut that doesn't mean that all children get them in the same order: first the bottom paddles, then the top ones... This is usual, but it's not always exactly the same; we're not robots. The same thing happens with the molars. They usually start to erupt at around 17, 18 or 19 months, but don't despair if they come in a little earlier or later.

Whenever you have doubts about these issues, do not turn to the internet. Visit our orthodontic practice and our children's dentists in Valencia. We will be able to explain this issue to you better; or use our free online diagnosis service on our website. That said, you will know that your child is teething because:

  • It will be around the age we have indicated: one and a half years old.
  • You will see how their gums are a little more swollen.
  • His character will change and he will ask for the soother much more, even if he hasn't asked for it for some time.
  • He will salivate profusely
  • This saliva will cause redness on the face, which will be aggravated by contact with the soother.
  • You will sleep worse until they leave

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The symptoms of tooth eruption are similar to those of the first teeth.

And what can you do? There are several tips that may be useful to you. The first is to use the children's toothpaste that your paediatrician will recommend, as it soothes them. At snack time, you can try giving them cold fruit from the fridge, such as pineapple or strawberries. The cold will soothe him. The fruit will also provide him with water, which is always good for him.

But if the pain gets worse, come with your child to our centre in Valencia. With all the confidence in the world. By the way!molars do not cause fever!


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